Will DVA cover my Medical Cannabis costs?

The DVA subsidises medical cannabis treatment for eligible veterans through an approval process called VAPAC (Veterans’ Affairs Pharmaceutical Advisory Centre). 

Each case is assessed on its own merits and DVA has previously refused to subsidise veteran patients for PTSD and anxiety despite Specialist support. 

The process for DVA approval and renewal is as follows

  1. Register
  2. Book a consultation
  3. Application to TGA
  4. Prescription issued
  5. Two Specialists to provide support
  6. Application to DVA VAPAC
  7. Approval from DVA VAPAC
  8. Review and renew

Note: DVA VAPAC approvals are category specific and a new approval is required for changes in medication.

Specialist support is required with the following information:

  • Unequivocal statement supporting the use of
  • Medical Cannabis
  • Primary Diagnosis
  • Other Diagnoses
  • Primary Symptoms
  • Severity of Symptoms
  • How will Medical Cannabis benefit the patient – Improve Symptoms, Improve Quality of Life, etc.
Will DVA cover my Medical Cannabis costs
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